Equality Arlington calls on Governor Youngkin to sign HB 536 and HB 224 to Combat Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Depression for Virginia Students

Governor Youngkin,

We strongly urge you to sign House Bill (HB) 536 which will adjust the definition of "bullying" in K-12 schools to protect students against harassment based on characteristics listed in the Virginia Human Rights Act, which includes sexual orientation and gender identity. We also urge you to sign HB 224 which would require school professionals in Virginia to receive mental health awareness training that addresses the needs of youth populations that are at a high risk of experiencing suicidal ideation and other mental health challenges, which include LGBTQI+ youth.

Both bills will protect the health and wellbeing of Virginia children. According to the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 23% of high school students nationwide who self-identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual report having been bullied on school property, 16% more than their straight peers. 14% of lesbian, gay, or bisexual students, double the percentage of their straight peers, reported not going to school because of safety concerns and 32% of students who had any sexual contacts with those of the same sex reported being bullied on school property.

According to the American Psychological Association, LGBT youth experience higher rates of mental health challenges and increased health complications associated with these challenges compared to their straight peers. In Arlington County, LGBTQ+ youth report higher rates of bullying at school, depressive symptoms, and sexual harassment at school than their straight peers. LGBTQ+ youth encounter unsafe school environments—bullying, sexual harassment, violence, and suicidal thoughts—throughout Virginia that harm their ability to learn and mental wellbeing.

Virginia’s children are stronger and learn better when they have safe, supportive school environments. We hope we can count on you to support Virginia youth. 


Kellen MacBeth
President, Equality Arlington


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