Equality Arlington Condemns U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of Anti-Trans Athlete Bill
Equality Arlington condemns passage by the U.S. House of Representatives on January 14th of H.R. 28, a trans athlete ban. The bill, if passed by the U.S. Senate and signed into law, would categorically ban transgender women from participating in any women’s K-12 and college athletics or sports teams in all circumstances, regardless of the particular sport or individual’s transition status.
This bill is an unscientific attempt to dehumanize young transgender Americans and establish a precedent for systematically denying the legitimacy of transgender people’s existence. It aims to take away their right to live a free and fulfilling life. It goes against the practices and guidelines of the Women’s Sports Foundation, National Women’s Law Center, and many states who are working towards best practices in fairness, inclusion, and access to play. Instead of looking for opportunities to reduce discrimination, stigma, and bullying, the House passed a bill that adds new challenges and hurdles for transgender youth trying to live a normal and healthy life.
We are grateful that Representative Don Beyer voted against this terrible bill and urge Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner to work with their Senate colleagues to ensure its defeat. The regulation of sports and athletics participation should be left to athletic associations and medical professionals, who are best positioned to establish guidelines to ensure all students have a fulfilling athletic experience, not politicians looking to categorically exclude vulnerable groups of people from entire aspects of society.
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